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Professional Assay Services Sample Submission Form

Instructions for Sending in Samples:

Complete all fields below
Please submit this form electronically and also print a hard copy and include along with the sample shipment.
Ship your samples to:
Attn: Professional Assay Services
Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Suite 180,
7707 Gateway Blvd, Newark, CA 94560
Tel# 510-259-9899 (M-F 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST)
AND email the shipment tracking# to
Fields requiring input.
Project Reference Code
ACD Project Reference Code starts with “SP‐”. Refer to Statement of Work for reference code.
Contact Information
Return Shipping Address
Sample Information

NOTE: FFPE slides should be sectioned fresh (<1-2 months) onto SuperFrost Plus slides, and slides should NOT be pre-baked. Do not use pencil for slide labeling, and do not overcrowd slides with more than 2 tissues. Samples that are not prepared and/or stored according to recommended guidelines may not perform as well for RNAscope/BaseScope assays.

Different types of tissue specimens may need different pretreatment conditions for optimal assay results. Guidelines are provided in our product manuals for various tissue types; however, assay conditions for other specimens may need further optimization.
Under- or over-fixed tissue specimens (e.g. FFPE fixed in 10% NBF for less than 12 hours at RT) do not perform as well for RNAscope.
Provide approximate time of when samples were embedded (if blocks) or sectioned (if slides). FFPE slides sectioned >1-2 months ago may have RNA degradation.
Recommended storage conditions for FFPE samples are 4C with desiccant for short-term storage and -20C with desiccant for longer-term storage
Shipping Conditions
Please refer to Statement of Work (SOW) for shipping conditions.
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Any special instructions, including specific sectioning depths, regions of interest for analysis, slide numbering requirements, project deadlines, etc
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Sample Details: Please Upload an Excel Spreadsheet
Please download the Sample Details Excel Form and add your sample group information. Upload your Excel file below.
Files must be less than 500 KB.
Allowed file types: xls xlsx csv