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BBS5 Products

BBS5 (Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 5) has been researched in its connection with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome which affects several parts of the body. Common features of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome include vision loss, obesity, learning problems, impaired speech, polydactyly and kidney abnormalities. BBS5 is known to interact with BBS9, BBS4, KLC1, PANK1 and BBS1.
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7 results for "BBS5" in Products

7 results for "BBS5" in Products

BBS5 Products

BBS5 (Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 5) has been researched in its connection with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome which affects several parts of the body. Common features of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome include vision loss, obesity, learning problems, impaired speech, polydactyly and kidney abnormalities. BBS5 is known to interact with BBS9, BBS4, KLC1, PANK1 and BBS1.
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Applications: AC
Applications: WB, ELISA, MA, AP
Catalog #: NBP3-42934
Applications: IHC, WB, ELISA
Reactivity: Human
Applications: WB
Reactivity: Human
Applications: WB
Reactivity: Human
Applications: WB
Reactivity: Human
Applications: WB
Results Per Page
5 10 25 50
/ 1