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CCL7/MCP-3/MARC: Luminex Assays

Human MCP-3 and mouse MARC are members of the CC subfamily of chemokines and are monocyte chemoattractants. Sequence comparisons suggest that MARC may be the mouse homolog of the human MCP-3 gene. Except for one amino acid subsititution, mouse MARC is identical to mouse FIC, the product of a growth factor-activated gene.

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1 result for "CCL7/MCP-3/MARC Luminex Assays" in Products

CCL7/MCP-3/MARC: Luminex Assays

Human MCP-3 and mouse MARC are members of the CC subfamily of chemokines and are monocyte chemoattractants. Sequence comparisons suggest that MARC may be the mouse homolog of the human MCP-3 gene. Except for one amino acid subsititution, mouse MARC is identical to mouse FIC, the product of a growth factor-activated gene.

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