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Automated Total Protein Normalization with Simple Western

When measuring protein expression, total protein normalization (TPN) may be more reliable than housekeeping proteins, as the expression of housekeeping proteins can vary with experimental conditions. However, TPN often requires additional time-consuming and messy gel staining steps. With Simple Western™ technology, reproducible TPN is integrated seamlessly with your immunoassay. The result? You can quickly see if your samples contain a consistent protein load, identify experimental setup and user errors, and effectively normalize expression of your target protein to get accurate and consistent data, giving you in your results.


Three Methods to Choose from for Total Protein Normalization with Simple Western

Simple Western TPN using RePlex and Chemi Detection

TPN using RePlex and Chemiluminescent-based Detection

TPN using RePlex and Chemi detection allows total protein detection following RePlex to remove antibodies from a chemiluminescent or fluorescent immunoassay.

Simple Western TPN using RePlex and NIR Detection

TPN using RePlex and NIR-based Detection

TPN using RePlex and NIR detection allows total protein detection following RePlex to remove antibodies from a chemiluminescent or fluorescent immunoassay.

Simple Western TPN using PN Channel Detection

TPN using the PN Channel

TPN using the Protein Normalization (PN) channel allows the detection of target proteins by an immunoassay with chemiluminescence or NIR or IR fluorescence detection and total protein detection in the same capillary using an independent fluorescence channel.

Which TPN Assay is Right for You?*

*This table is provided for general guidance; contact your local Bio-Techne representative to discuss assay development tips for successfully developing a TPN assay specific to your sample and target needs.
1Recommended to start your TPN assay development because it's proven to work with various MW ranges and sample concentrations.
2This protocol may be suitable with 2-40 kDa with certain considerations. Contact your local Bio-Techne Representative for details.
?RePlex removes antibodies from your immunoassay to perform a second probing cycle, which can be dedicated to total protein detection.
 TPN using RePlex and Chemi detection1TPN using RePlex and NIR detectionTPN using PN channel
InstrumentJess, Abby, LeoJessJess
Sample conc.Various0.5–2.5 mg/mL0.4–1.2 mg/mL
MW range2–440 kDa 12–440 kDa22–230 kDa
ImmunoassayChemi, NIR, IR (RePlex Probe 1)Chemi, NIR, IR (RePlex Probe 1)Chemi, IR, NIR
Total proteinChemi (RePlex Probe 2)NIR (RePlex Probe 2)PN channel

TPN using RePlex and Chemi Detection

This method is recommended to start your TPN assay development because it's proven to work with various MW ranges and sample concentrations.

TPN using RePlex and Chemi detection allows total protein detection following RePlex to remove antibodies from an immunoassay with chemiluminescent or fluorescent probes. The Chemiluminescent Total Protein Assay  can be used to detect all the proteins in your lysate, similar to a Coomassie or SYRPO Ruby stained gel. Chemiluminescent Total Protein Assay attaches biotin to all the proteins in your sample instead of an antibody for a specific target. Then, incubation with Streptavidin-HRP followed by Luminol/Peroxide generates a chemiluminescent signal for the total captured protein. 

?RePlex removes antibodies from your immunoassay to perform a second probing cycle, which can be dedicated to total protein detection.
Compatible instrumentsJess, Abby, Leo
Sample concentrationVarious
MW range2–440 kDa 
Compatible with RePlex?Yes
Multiplex immunoassay channelsChemi, NIR, IR (RePlex Probe 1)
Total protein detection channelChemi (RePlex Probe 2)
Additional materials required

More sensitive than SYPRO Ruby. The 5X Biotin Labeling boosts the sensitivity of total protein detection to as little as 150 pg. Learn more.

More coverage than anti-HCP antibodies. Detect more of your host cell protein (HCP) than an anti-HCP antibody. Learn more.


TPN using RePlex and Chemi Detection Infographic
TPN using RePlex and NIR Detection Infographic

TPN using RePlex and NIR Detection

Recommended for low abundance targets in high-concentration samples.

Like TPN using RePlex and Chemi detection, TPN using RePlex and NIR detection attaches biotin to all the proteins in your sample. Incubation with Streptavidin-NIR generates an NIR signal for the total captured protein. TPN using RePlex and NIR detection is linear for high sample concentrations (0.5–2.5 mg/mL), facilitating the analysis of low abundance targets. The protocol described here has been tested on whole-cell lysates, brain tissue, and muscle-skeletal tissue homogenates. This protocol guides your TPN assays with high-concentration samples to measure low abundance targets, including tips for setting up your assay and analyzing the data.

?RePlex removes antibodies from your immunoassay to perform a second probing cycle, which can be dedicated to total protein detection.
Compatible instrumentsJess
Sample concentration0.5–2.5 mg/mL
MW range12–440 kDa
Compatible with RePlex?Yes
Multiplex immunoassay channelsChemi, NIR, IR (RePlex Probe 1)
Total protein detection channelNIR (RePlex Probe 2)
Additional materials required

TPN using the PN Channel

Recommended for low and medium MW targets.

TPN using the PN channel allows the detection of target proteins by an immunoassay with chemiluminescent or fluorescent probes and total protein in the same capillary. Just load the PN reagent into the assay plate, and Jess will take care of the rest. The PN reagent binds to proteins immobilized in the same capillary as your immunoassay via primary and secondary amine interactions. 

?RePlex removes antibodies from your immunoassay to perform a second probing cycle, which can be dedicated to total protein detection.
Compatible instrumentsJess
Sample concentration0.2–1.2 mg/mL
MW range2–230 kDa range
Compatible with RePlex?No
Multiplex immunoassay channelsChemi, IR, NIR
Total protein detection channelPN channel
Additional materials requiredProtein Normalization Module
Simple Western TPN using PN Channel Detection