Submit Simple Western Antibody Validation Data
Simple Western Antibody Validation Submission Promotion
Help scientists and fund your research at the same time.
Grow the Simple Western™ antibody database by submitting new antibody validation data. Approved submissions receive:
- Free Separation Module (8x25 capillary cartridges) for an antibody on a new target not currently in the Simple Western database.
- Free Detection Module for a new antibody on an existing target or for an existing antibody using a different Separation Mode (Size or Charge).
How to Submit Antibody Validation Data
Antibody Validation Submission Checklist
1. Antibody (select one):
__ New antibody for a target not currently in the Simple Western antibody database
__ New antibody for an existing target in the Simple Western antibody database
__ Existing antibody using a different separation mode (size/charge)
2. Antibody Validation Data Quality Specifications:
At least one antibody concentration must meet the following data quality specifications
__ Signal-To-Noise Ratio (S/N) greater than 20
__ Signal height to background level ratio: greater than 3
__ Background using HDR less than 1000
__ Peak of interest about 80% of total area under the curve (minimal cross reactivity). If protein has multiple peaks, the summed peak areas must be >80%.
__ Signal peak height less than 300,000
Assay Requirements
__ Single target per detection channel (RePlex data and Jess with single targets in different detection channels are accepted)
__ 3 antibody concentrations across a reasonably broad concentration range
- One antibody concentration must meet antibody validation data quality specifications
__ 2 Negative Controls
- No lysate control (i.e. 0.1x sample buffer + 1x fluorescent master mix)
- No primary antibody control (i.e. sample at highest concentration tested + no primary AB + secondary AB only)
Other negative controls will be accepted at the discretion of ProteinSimple™.

This recommendation is for higher quality antibody validation and will take a total of 11 capillaries out of 24. Three antibody concentrations tested against three sample concentrations will utilize nine capillaries (3x3). Two negative controls will utilize two capillaries.
Concentrations listed in the figure are examples used as a starting point for unknown samples. Exact concentrations should be tailored to each model.

Label with the following:
__ Target protein band names
Label the Assay tab with the following:
__ Sample name
__ Sample concentrations
__ Primary & secondary antibody names
__ Antibody concentration/dilution
__ Antibody diluent name
One data file (.cbz) fully annotated
Promotion terms and conditions: In exchange for participating in this promotion, your company agrees that ProteinSimple and its affiliated companies may use the annotated run file for commercial, promotional, and internal research purposes. Without company’s express written consent, ProteinSimple will not disclose that you participated in this promotion, and will not attribute the data/information shared with the annotated run file to you. By submitting data in this promotion, the individual submitting the form confirms, that he/she/they is/are expressly authorized to sign on and agree to the terms of participating in this promotion on behalf of the participant company.