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Product Overview​

The RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA Fluorescent Assays use a proprietary method of in situ hybridization to simultaneously visualize one 17-50 nucleotide smRNA target, microRNA (miRNAs), PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNAs), short interfering RNA (siRNAs), or antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs)) simultaneously with three RNA targets. The assay is available for manual or automated use.

ACD RNAscope Plus

Product Features


Two Chemistries in One Workflow

•Detect one small RNA using miRNAscope chemistry

•Detect up to 3 RNAs using RNAscope chemistry

Representation of an assay plate

Fluorescent Multiplex Detection

•Visualize up to 4 targets

•Utilize Tyramide Signal Amplification (TSA) system for increased signal to noise ratio


representation of flexibility

Flexible Assay Design

Automated or manual workflows available

•Choose any miRNAscope probe and up to any 3 RNAscope probes

•Open fluorophore assignment

Technology Overview

RNAscope workflow full media image

RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA assays allow simultaneous detection of 1 smRNA and up to 3 RNA targets within a single sample using up to four target probes and the nuclei can be counterstained and visualized using DAPI fluorescent dye. The four target probes, are each designed in a different probe channel—S1 for smRNA, and C2, C3, and/or C4 for RNA targets. The assay is compatible with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) and fresh frozen (FF) tissue.​​

The key technological advantage of this assay is the significant signal boost with simultaneous background noise suppression which is due to advances in ACD’s patented signal amplification technology combined with Tyramide Signal Amplification (TSA™) technology​.

Watch Our Short Introductory Video

Learn about the RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA assay and see assay data detecting miRNAs in tumor and in brain, as well as data detecting siRNA for therapeutic studies.

Featured Applications

Representation of DNA being introduced into a cell


Assess small RNA therapeutic delivery, biodistribution safety and efficacy.


Representation of a brain

Neuronal Disease and Development​

The multiplexing capability for the simultaneous detection of multiple neuronal cell markers allows robust gene expression analysis and visualization of distinct cell populations within the nervous system.

representation of RNA

RNA Biomarkers

Validate both protein-coding and non-protein coding functional RNA biomarkers.


Search RNAscope Probes


Find probes below or request a custom design if you don’t see your target..


Introducing the RNAscope Plus small RNA-RNA Fluorescent Assay

Introducing the RNAscope™  Plus small RNA-RNA Fluorescent Assay

Biodistribution, safety & efficacy assessment -RNAscope brochure thumbnail

Biodistribution, safety and efficacy assessment of small RNAs with the new RNAscope™ Plus small RNA-RNA co-detection Assay

High throughput? Learn how to get started with our assay designed for Leica BOND RX.


Prefer the bench? Run up to 20 slides at a time with our manual assay.


Guidelines for Microscope Channel Selection