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Testimonials and Interviews from your Peers

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Our testimonials cover a range of research areas and applications, using everything from gold standard to GMP reagents, and revolutionary, award-winning instruments.

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  • From a Postdoc’s Perspective: Dr. Jagannath Padmanabhan

    Science is the best tool we have at our disposal to solve some of the world's most pressing problems. Science is our best bet to gain an objective understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

  • Dr. Noboru Mizushima

    We should remain curious and simply take delight in learning new things in basic biology.

  • Dr. Timothy Sampson

    It is my belief that future discoveries in the field [of neurological disorders] will not solely rely on the study of the brain, but through the broad and multidisciplinary exploration of our microbial inhabitants.

  • Dr. David C. Rubinsztein

    Being a scientist is a wonderful job. However, you need to develop a thick skin, self-belief & persistence.

  • Nobel Prize 2016 Interviews: What do autophagy’s leading scientists have to say about this year’s Nobel Prize and its recipient?

  • Advancing Cell and Gene Therapies with Jess

    Simple Western

    Simple Western™ allows us to run three-hour assays, which would usually take us two days with traditional Western blots.

  • Restoring Autophagy, Reversing Disease with Jess

    Simple Western

    Jess allows us to immediately identify potential autophagy biomarkers as they are upregulated or downregulated in response to treatment. This allows us to use more advanced statistical techniques such as principal component analysis and hierarchal clustering to recognize key correlations in our research with ease

  • 利用 Simple Western 对骨关节炎患者的样本进行蛋白质分析

    使用 Abby 将让我们能够更快地回答重要问题,例如确定骨关节炎的致病机制和相关分子。我们不再使用耗时长达两天、繁琐的蛋白质印迹法 (Western Blot) 手动处理,引入这一自动化方法将加快数据获取时间,并提高灵敏度和准确度。

  • Utilizing Simple Western to Understand Neuronal Markers in Schizophrenia

    Simple Western

    It can be difficult to optimize new antibodies, particularly for brain markers where you have a lot of background noise and low levels of your target. The appropriate control and low variability between plates using Simple Western™ means we can complete our studies in weeks rather than months.

  • 通过测量免疫反应,预测自身免疫性疾病活动性的变化

    Luminex Instrumentation

    我们需要的分析不仅要能充分节省有限的样本量,还要让我们能够快速有效地检测出许多标志物。事实证明,Luminex 和 Simple Plex 分析是符合此要求的理想之选,让我们可以获得其他平台无法提供的准确度和重现性。

  • 使用快速有效的脑损伤生物标志物分析,改善创伤治疗结果

    “我们很幸运能够在研究工作的早期试用这些 Luminex 猪类样本分析组。当我们看到检测板的测量结果,就知道我们找到了一直在寻找的分析组。这些组合最终对研究结果产生了巨大影响。”

  • Prashant Gets a Better Picture of Taxane Resistance at the Single-Cell Level with Milo

    Single-Cell Western

    I was looking at two different isoforms of a protein, and it was important to know if the cells were expressing just one versus the other or both in a given cell. That was tricky until Milo came. We’re also getting more relevant information because Milo allows us to look at expression of this protein in tissue biopsies.