Video: Robust iEF QC methods for Therapeutic Proteins Hear from Kay Plitt, Head of Analytical Development and Olivia Gierok, Senior Scientist at A&M...
Video: Transformative Exosome Therapeutics for The Treatment of Rare Diseases Nathalie Howe, Development Scientist at Evox Therapeutics describes how automation helps to provide...
Video: Overcoming Column Dissolution and Lot to Lot Variability Hear Ravi Bagde, Drug Product Scientist at Ten23 Health AG, describe the challenges associated with...
Video: Knockout and Knockdown Target Validation with Automated Western Hear Senior Scientist Ben Hodgson at Sygnature Discovery explain how automated workflow and data...
Video: Utilising Jess as a Compound Screening Assay Hear from Senior Scientist Alice Pilborough at Sygnature Discovery on how Jess is used to...
Video: Advancing Tomorrows Medicines From small biotechs to big pharma, hear how Chintan Sangani, Senior Scientist at Fujifilm Diosynth...
Video: Combating the Reproducibility Crisis in Neuroscience Hear Jen Fletcher, PhD Student at the University of Manchester and Research Technician at b-neuro, d...
Video: Supporting the Development of Therapeutics From method transfer for batch release, to establishing new techniques, hear from Kasia Marciniak...
Video: Assessing Purity of rAAV by CE-SDS Hear how Ana Carreras, QC Biochemistry Scientist at VIRALGEN, uses automation for the QC of potency...
Video: Expediting Cells to Therapy with Automated Immunoassays Hear how Denise Hartung, part of the exosome team within the cell therapy department at Evotec, uses...
Video: The Future of Protein Analysis Hear Alexandre Lucas, Founder and Manager of We-Met at I2MC discuss the importance of automation and...
Video: Bringing Together Our Instrument Users at Our European Instrument User Meeting Our annual European Instrument User Meeting brings together world-leading experts across disciplines...