Webinar: Webinar: Autophagy & Neurodegeneration with David Rubinsztein 11 / 20 / 18 Speaker: David Rubinsztein, Ph.D.University of CambridgeAlzheimer’s Research Cambridge Drug...
Webinar: Autophagy Webinar with Patrice Codogno 02 / 28 / 18 Speaker: Patrice Codogno, Ph.D.INSERM/INEM, Paris, France Abstract:Autophagy is known to be one of...
Webinar: Combined RNA ISH and IHC 03 / 21 / 17 Webinar TopicsHow to combine the protein detection capabilities of IHC with single molecule mRNA...
Webinar: Meet Maurice — One-stop cIEF and CE-SDS For Your Biologics 12 / 08 / 16 Maurice innovates the conventional capillary electrophoresis technology to automate your protein...
Webinar: Western Blotting Optimization 05 / 01 / 16 Understanding the Variables to Optimize Your Western Blots - Paul Joseph, MS In this webinar, Paul...
Webinar: Neurobiological Markers of Cocaine Use Disorder 07 / 21 / 15 During this webinar, Dr. Noelle Anastasio and Sarah Swinford-Jackson discuss validation of...
Webinar: Measuring Extracellular Vesicles 05 / 01 / 15 Workshop abstract:Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small (~100 nm) membrane-bound vesicles released...
Webinar: Tackling the Challenges of Human Disease and Vaccine Research with Simple Western 09 / 24 / 14 In this webinar, speakers will describe a range of applications utilizing the Simple Western™ techno...
Webinar: Biomarker Analysis Using the Simple Western Advances Pathogen Identification and Cancer Research 03 / 21 / 13 Immunodetection by Western blot analysis is a widely used technique to identify biomarkers involved...
Webinar: The Simple Western Approach to Vaccine and Clinical Protein Research 10 / 04 / 12 The Simple Western™ is a completely automated walk-away solution that is a gel-free, blot-free, and...
Webinar: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation - Struggles and Solutions 11 / 07 / 11 SpeakerEric Neeley, PhDSenior ScientistChromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful research...