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Fyn: ELISA Kits

Fyn is a ubiquitously expressed member of the Src family of intracellular tyrosine kinases. Fyn functions in T cell receptor signaling, adhesion-mediated signaling, and regulation of brain function. Mice lacking fyn display various deficits, including impaired spatial memory, hypomyelination, and uncoordinated hippocampal structure, suggesting that Fyn is involved in multiple neural signaling pathways.

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1 result for "Fyn ELISA Kits" in Products

Fyn: ELISA Kits

Fyn is a ubiquitously expressed member of the Src family of intracellular tyrosine kinases. Fyn functions in T cell receptor signaling, adhesion-mediated signaling, and regulation of brain function. Mice lacking fyn display various deficits, including impaired spatial memory, hypomyelination, and uncoordinated hippocampal structure, suggesting that Fyn is involved in multiple neural signaling pathways.

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Applications: ELISA
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