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Limitin/IFN-zeta: Proteins and Enzymes

Limitin is a secreted interferon (IFN)-like glycoprotein. It has antiviral activity and selectively inhibits B-lineage lymphoid-cell development both in vivo and in vitro, while having little effect on myelopoiesis or erythropoiesis. Limitin binds to the IFN-alpha/beta receptors and induces IFN regulatory factor-1. Mouse limitin displays 32%, 26% and 30% amino acid sequence identity with mouse IFN-alpha, mouse IFN-beta, and human IFN-omega, respectively.

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1 result for "Limitin/IFN-zeta Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

Limitin/IFN-zeta: Proteins and Enzymes

Limitin is a secreted interferon (IFN)-like glycoprotein. It has antiviral activity and selectively inhibits B-lineage lymphoid-cell development both in vivo and in vitro, while having little effect on myelopoiesis or erythropoiesis. Limitin binds to the IFN-alpha/beta receptors and induces IFN regulatory factor-1. Mouse limitin displays 32%, 26% and 30% amino acid sequence identity with mouse IFN-alpha, mouse IFN-beta, and human IFN-omega, respectively.

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