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Pescadillo: Proteins and Enzymes

Pescadillo encodes a protein that is abnormally elevated in malignant tumors of astrocytic origin. It is a strongly conserved gene containing a BRCT domain that is essential for the activity of this gene product. The gene plays a crucial role in cell proliferation and may be necessary for oncogenic transformation and tumor progression.
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5 results for "Pescadillo Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

5 results for "Pescadillo Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

Pescadillo: Proteins and Enzymes

Pescadillo encodes a protein that is abnormally elevated in malignant tumors of astrocytic origin. It is a strongly conserved gene containing a BRCT domain that is essential for the activity of this gene product. The gene plays a crucial role in cell proliferation and may be necessary for oncogenic transformation and tumor progression.
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Applications: AC
Catalog #: H00023481-Q01
Applications: WB, ELISA, MA, AP
Applications: WB, ELISA, MA, AP, PAGE
Applications: AC
Applications: AC
Results Per Page
5 10 25 50
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