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Prothrombin: ELISA Kits

Hemostasis following tissue injury involves the deployment of essential plasma procoagulants (Prothrombin and Factors X, IX, V and VIII), which mediate a blood coagulation cascade that leads to the formation of insoluble Fibrin clots and the promotion of platelet aggregation. Proteolytic cleavage of Prothrombin (Factor II) at residue 44 leads to fo...
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1 result for "Prothrombin ELISA Kits" in Products

Prothrombin: ELISA Kits

Hemostasis following tissue injury involves the deployment of essential plasma procoagulants (Prothrombin and Factors X, IX, V and VIII), which mediate a blood coagulation cascade that leads to the formation of insoluble Fibrin clots and the promotion of platelet aggregation. Proteolytic cleavage of Prothrombin (Factor II) at residue 44 leads to fo...
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