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Transaldolase 1: ELISA Kits

Transaldolase 1 is a key enzyme of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway providing ribose-5-phosphate for nucleic acid synthesis and NADPH for lipid biosynthesis. This pathway can also maintain glutathione at a reduced state and thus protect sulfhydryl groups and cellular integrity from oxygen radicals. The functional gene of transaldolase 1 is located on chromosome 11 and a pseudogene is identified on chromosome 1 but there are conflicting map locations. The second and third exon of this gene were developed by insertion of a retrotransposable element. This gene is thought to be involved in multiple sclerosis. [provided by RefSeq]
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1 result for "Transaldolase 1 ELISA Kits" in Products

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1 result for "Transaldolase 1 ELISA Kits" in Products

Transaldolase 1: ELISA Kits

Transaldolase 1 is a key enzyme of the nonoxidative pentose phosphate pathway providing ribose-5-phosphate for nucleic acid synthesis and NADPH for lipid biosynthesis. This pathway can also maintain glutathione at a reduced state and thus protect sulfhydryl groups and cellular integrity from oxygen radicals. The functional gene of transaldolase 1 is located on chromosome 11 and a pseudogene is identified on chromosome 1 but there are conflicting map locations. The second and third exon of this gene were developed by insertion of a retrotransposable element. This gene is thought to be involved in multiple sclerosis. [provided by RefSeq]
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Applications: ELISA
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