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VIGR/GPR126: Proteins and Enzymes

VIGR encodes a G protein-coupled receptor that is expressed in placenta and to a lower extent in pancreas and liver. VIGR represents a novel GPCR of the adhesion family, which is unique in its long extra-cellular domain comprising CUB and PTX-like modules. It is induced by LPS and thrombin in a subset of ECs, suggesting an important function in cell adhesion, providing a potential link for inflammation and coagulation. Variations in this gene can affect a person's stature and may be required for normal differentiation of promyelinating Schwann cells and for normal myelination of axons.

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1 result for "VIGR/GPR126 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

VIGR/GPR126: Proteins and Enzymes

VIGR encodes a G protein-coupled receptor that is expressed in placenta and to a lower extent in pancreas and liver. VIGR represents a novel GPCR of the adhesion family, which is unique in its long extra-cellular domain comprising CUB and PTX-like modules. It is induced by LPS and thrombin in a subset of ECs, suggesting an important function in cell adhesion, providing a potential link for inflammation and coagulation. Variations in this gene can affect a person's stature and may be required for normal differentiation of promyelinating Schwann cells and for normal myelination of axons.

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