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Multidrug Transporter Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

11 results for "Multidrug Transporter Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

11 results for "Multidrug Transporter Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

Multidrug Transporter Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

MRP and OAT3 inhibitor

Potent inhibitor of multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE) transporters; also DHFR and STAT3 inhibitor

P-gp and BCRP inhibitor

Inhibitor of P-gp-mediated MDR

Potent and selective BCRP inhibitor

High affinity P-gp inhibitor

Potent CysLT1 (LTD4) inverse agonist. Also MRP1 inhibitor

Selective MRP4 inhibitor

P-gp inhibitor

Selective BCRP inhibitor

Potent P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor

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