Confirmation and spatial mapping of diverse striatal cells identified by single cell RNA sequencing in the mouse brain at the single-cell resolution with multiplex in situ hybridization technology - Presented at: SFN 2019
Scientific Meeting PostersComplex and highly heterogenous tissues such as the brain are comprised of multiple cell types and states with exquisite spatial organization. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is now being widely used as a universal tool for classifying and characterizing known and novel cell populations within these heterogenous tissues, ushering in a new era of single cell biology. However, the use of scRNA-seq presents some limitations due to the use of dissociated cells which results in the loss of spatial context of the cell populations being analyzed.
This study confirms and spatially maps the various D1 and D2 neuronal subtypes as well as other non-neuronal cell type markers in mouse striatum identified from scRNA-seq.