FluorChem Western Blot Imaging Systems
All FluorChem Imaging systems are discontinued as of October 2021. ProteinSimple, part of Bio-Techne, will continue servicing these products through October 15th, 2026. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Technical Support at Toll-Free: (888) 607-9692 option 3 or support@bio-techne.com.
Switch from the FluorChem Imagers to Simple Western and improve your protein detection. Simple Western instruments are the only gel-free, blot-free, and hands-free capillary-based western platform that integrate and automate the entire protein separation and detection process. Just load 3 µL of sample come back 3 hours later to highly quantitative and reproducible protein expression analysis using conventional Western blot antibodies. Replace your outdated Western blot imaging system with Simple Western with industry-leading IR/NIR fluorescence and chemiluminescence detection.
FluorChem Imagers | Simple Western Instruments | |
NIR/IR detection limit | high pg | low pg |
Chemi detection limit | high pg | low pg |
Serial immunoassays | strip and re-probe | fully automated with RePlex™ |
Multiplex across Chemi, IR, and NIR detection at once | no | yes |
Single-step total protein detection and normalization | no | yes |
![ProteinSimple Instrument: Simple Western](https://resources.bio-techne.com/bio-techne-assets/images/research-areas/vaccine-lp-assess-jess.png)
Bridge the Gap: Image Traditional Western Blots with Jess
Did you know Jess can image traditional Western blots?
Bring Jess into your lab and you can still image traditional chemiluminescent Western blots while you design your new fully quantitative and fully automated Simple Western experiments! Jess has a built-in chemiluminescence imager for Western blot imaging.
Product Features
Fast and fully automated
Fast and fully automated
With Simple Western Systems, it’s pipette, run and done! Simply load your sample, antibodies and reagents into the plate, insert your plate and cartridge into the Simple Western Instrument and press start. With as little as 3 hours of hands-free run time, you can be analyzing data and making decisions with your data in no time.
By eliminating the variability from manual steps of traditional western blotting protocols including sample loading, gel-to membrane transfer of proteins, and user and site differences, Simple Western technology is highly reproducible offering.
With Simple Western Systems, true protein quantitation is possible. With 25 or 100 independent sample throughput per run, Simple Western enables inclusion of standard curves, QC standards, and controls to design robust fully quantitative protein assays.
Since its introduction Simple Western Technology has been trusted by thousands of laboratories around the globe. Search through over 2,800 publications where Simple Western Technology was used.