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HS3ST2: Proteins and Enzymes
HS3ST2 codes for a protein with a length of 367 amino acids and a weight of approximately 41.5 kDa, that is a sulfotransferase that utilizes PAPS and works to transfer a sulfo group to a glucosamine on heparan sulfate, without causing the heparan sulfate to being its anticoagulant form and is highly expressed in the brain with a lesser expression in the heart, lung and skeletal muscle. Current studies are being done on several diseases and disorders related to this gene including herpes simplex, chondrosarcoma, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatitis, schizophrenia, and neuronitis. HS3ST2 has also been shown to have interactions with GLCE, GPC1, GPC2, GPC4, and GPC5 in pathways such as the heparan sulfate biosynthesis, metapathway biotransformation, Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome, metabolism, and Hunter syndrome pathways.
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