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RHAG: Lysates
The Rh blood group antigens (MIM 111700) are associated with human erythrocyte membrane proteins of approximately 30 kD, the so-called Rh30 polypeptides. Heterogeneously glycosylated membrane proteins of 50 and 45 kD, the Rh50 glycoproteins, are coprecipitated with the Rh30 polypeptides on immunoprecipitation with anti-Rh-specific mono- and polyclonal antibodies. The Rh antigens appear to exist as a multisubunit complex of CD47 (MIM 601028), LW (MIM 111250), glycophorin B (MIM 111740), and play a critical role in the Rh50 glycoprotein.[supplied by OMIM]
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