Multiplex Protein Detection
If you need to detect and quantitate multiple proteins at the same time, we've got a few techniques to help you get there!
Simple Plex
Simple Plex™ assays on Ella™ provide a different approach to multiplexing. Instead of running all the assays together, Ella only runs two assays per channel. This spatial separation combined with a high level of validation ensures that you get the best possible performance. Multiplex immunoassays on Ella are validated to the same parameters as the single plex and multianalyte cartridges, ensuring you get the same assay results no matter the cartridge format.
Simple Western
With Simple Western™, you can detect multiple proteins in the same capillary using two or more antibodies. You can also combine immunoassay and total protein measurements in the same run, on the same sample. Multiplex across chemiluminescence and 2-color fluorescence channels with total protein normalization, also called Superplex. The Stellar™ NIR/IR Modules for Jess™ provide 100X greater detection sensitivity than the closest competitive traditional Western blot fluorescence imaging system. Get even more data points per sample with RePlex™ sequential immunoassays and never strip and re-probe again.
Single-Cell Western
Single-Cell Westerns with Milo™ can multiplex 12+ targets and can achieve multiplexing levels that match or exceed multiplexed flow cytometers. Milo allows you to unlock the single-cell proteome and measure changes in protein expression heterogeneity that aren’t possible with other techniques. With Milo, you can conserve limited samples, compare relative abundance of protein isoforms or a phosphorylated form to its total abundance, assess the expression of proteins with a similar molecular weight, or confirm a result with a different antibody.