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Adapting DuoSet ELISA Kits to 384-well Plate Format

Technical Notes

R&D Systems™ DuoSet™ ELISAs are widely used for the detection and quantification of various analytes in biological samples using a 96-well plate format. This technical note provides a general protocol for adapting DuoSet ELISAs to a 384-well plate format. The high-throughput plate format has multiple benefits, including increased sample number per plate, reduced sample volume requirements, and improved accuracy across samples. Download this technical note to learn how adapting DuoSet ELISAs to a 384-well plate format can help streamline your ELISA workflow and improve laboratory efficiency for high-throughput studies.

First page of Bio-Techne’s Adapting DuoSet ELISA Kits to 384-Well Plate Format technical note