Simplify the Qualification of Your GMP Proteins with Maurice™
by ProteinSimple, a Bio-Techne brand. Bio-Techne
Application NotesGMP proteins, also classified as ancillary materials (AMs), are routinely used in the manufacturing of cellular therapies, particularly for cell expansion, activation, and proliferation. Quality attributes of these AMs such as identity, purity, functionality, and others are evaluated during qualification. Manual and laborious techniques such as SDS-PAGE are still widely used for the routine qualification of these AMs, creating a need for more efficient and reliable analytical methods.
This application note describes a fast, easy, and streamlined method for characterizing the identity and purity of three commonly used GMP cytokines in cell therapy manufacturing—IL-2, IL-7, and IL-10—using Maurice, an automated capillary electrophoresis (CE) instrument for icIEF (charge) and CE-SDS (size) analysis.