Effects of antibody-mediated EGF-receptor inhibition on ERK1/2 isoform phosphorylation in organoid cultures (Indivumed, AACR 2012)
Scientific Meeting PostersTargeted anti-cancer therapy using small molecules or therapeutic antibodies is important to improve the treatment options of individual cancer patients whose tumor show specific expression patterns of respective target proteins. In order to enhance the development of new targeted drugs, novel and highly predictive in vitro drug testing models are needed which closely reflect the characteristics of each individual tumor. Towards this end, Indivumed has developed a preclinical drug testing platform based on freshly cultivated tumor tissue slices which enables a detailed investigation of functional effects of classical chemotherapeutic drugs, small molecules and therapeutic antibodies in a natural tumor µenvironment. In addition, this multifunctional in vitro model permits the evaluation of target expression and analysis of signaling pathway activities. The aim of the present study was to analyze and verify the functionality of an anti-EGFR antibody in colorectal cancer tissue slices using our recently developed drug testing platform. As readout of treatment effects changes in the expression and phosphorylation status of selected signaling proteins from two EGFR-related downstream pathways, the MAPK and Akt pathways, were evaluated by Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) assays and immunohistochemistry. To further analyze the complex regulation of phosphorylation pattern in more detail, we integrated the new NanoPro 1000 technology in our pathway analysis, enabling the identification of distinct isoform phosphorylations. This approach should help to extend the knowledge about individual drug responses among patients to further advance personalized medicine.