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Multiplexed Detection of Tumor Biomarker Proteins Using Luminex® Assays and Streck® Plasma

Application Notes

Selecting the right sample collection and handling methods in large-scale cancer studies is vital for reliable biomarker detection. This application note evaluates the stability of the Human Tumor Biomarker Luminex Performance Assay and compares samples collected using EDTA, Heparin, Streck® Cell-Free DNA BCT®, and Streck Protein Plus BCT™. The data demonstrates that Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT and Protein Plus BCT provide a robust solution for multiplexed biomarker detection, maintaining high stability and accuracy in plasma samples across varying conditions. These results offer researchers a dependable reference for optimizing sample stability, reducing concerns over cold chain storage or inconsistent handling at collection sites.

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Thumbnail image application note demonstrating how the benefits of Human Tumor Biomarker Performance Panel by Bio-Techne, leveraging Luminex assays and Streck plasma tubes for stable, multiplexed detection of tumor biomarkers.