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CART Products

CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine-regulated Transcript) propeptide (amino acids (aa) 28-116) is a secreted protein that is processed by Prohormone Convertases 1/3 and 2 to generate 4 kDa to 5 kDa bioactive peptides that act as neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine factors. Human ProCART shares more than 95% aa identity to rat and mouse counterparts. CART is widely expressed in the central nervous system and plays important roles in various physiological processes including regulating satiety, food intake, and weight regulation. CART expression is not regulated by cocaine.

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1 result for "CART" in Products

1 result for "CART" in Products

CART Products

CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine-regulated Transcript) propeptide (amino acids (aa) 28-116) is a secreted protein that is processed by Prohormone Convertases 1/3 and 2 to generate 4 kDa to 5 kDa bioactive peptides that act as neurotransmitters and neuroendocrine factors. Human ProCART shares more than 95% aa identity to rat and mouse counterparts. CART is widely expressed in the central nervous system and plays important roles in various physiological processes including regulating satiety, food intake, and weight regulation. CART expression is not regulated by cocaine.

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