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CHTF18: Proteins and Enzymes

CTF18 (Chromosome Transmission Fidelity protein 18 homolog) is part of the CTF18-RFC (Replication Factor C) complex composed of CTF18, CTF8, DCC1, and four RFC subunits. This complex has been shown to be important for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion and functions as a proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) loader for DNA synthesis. CTF18 is also known as hCTF18, CHTF18, CHL12, and RUVBL.
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1 result for "CHTF18 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

1 result for "CHTF18 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

CHTF18: Proteins and Enzymes

CTF18 (Chromosome Transmission Fidelity protein 18 homolog) is part of the CTF18-RFC (Replication Factor C) complex composed of CTF18, CTF8, DCC1, and four RFC subunits. This complex has been shown to be important for the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion and functions as a proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) loader for DNA synthesis. CTF18 is also known as hCTF18, CHTF18, CHL12, and RUVBL.
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Catalog #: H00063922-Q01
Applications: WB, ELISA, MA, AP
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