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CLEC10A/CD301: Proteins and Enzymes

CLEC10A, also known as MGL, CD301, DC-ASGPR, and HML, is a transmembrane C-type lectin family that is expressed on immature myleloid dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, and alternatively activated (tolerogenic) macrophages. It is upregulated on pro-inflammatory monocytes in obesity and promotes their trafficking to adipose tissue.

CLEC10A selectively binds and internalizes terminal nonsialylated GalNAc moieties on O-linked carbohydrates including the Tn carcinoma antigen and carbohydrates on some CD45 isoforms. It also binds the GP envelope glycoprotein on Marburg and Ebola viruses and enhances viral entry and infectivity. Human and rat carry a single gene for CLEC10A/MGL, while mouse has two closely related MGL1 and MGL2 genes.


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1 result for "CLEC10A/CD301 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

CLEC10A/CD301: Proteins and Enzymes

CLEC10A, also known as MGL, CD301, DC-ASGPR, and HML, is a transmembrane C-type lectin family that is expressed on immature myleloid dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, and alternatively activated (tolerogenic) macrophages. It is upregulated on pro-inflammatory monocytes in obesity and promotes their trafficking to adipose tissue.

CLEC10A selectively binds and internalizes terminal nonsialylated GalNAc moieties on O-linked carbohydrates including the Tn carcinoma antigen and carbohydrates on some CD45 isoforms. It also binds the GP envelope glycoprotein on Marburg and Ebola viruses and enhances viral entry and infectivity. Human and rat carry a single gene for CLEC10A/MGL, while mouse has two closely related MGL1 and MGL2 genes.


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