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H+-ATPase Inhibitors Products

H+-ATPase is also known as vacuolar ATPase, V-ATPase. It is an enzyme transporter, and it is responsible for acidifying intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells. It is ubiquitously expressed and is present in endomembrane organelles, such as vacuoles, lysosomes and endosomes.

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3 results for "H+-ATPase Inhibitors" in Products

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3 results for "H+-ATPase Inhibitors" in Products

H+-ATPase Inhibitors Products

H+-ATPase is also known as vacuolar ATPase, V-ATPase. It is an enzyme transporter, and it is responsible for acidifying intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells. It is ubiquitously expressed and is present in endomembrane organelles, such as vacuoles, lysosomes and endosomes.

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H+-ATPase (vacuolar) inhibitor

H+-ATPase activator; activates autophagy; inactivates mTORC1 signaling

Reversibly stimulates SERCA Ca2+-ATPase; displays a range of other activities

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