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PYHIN1 Products

PYHIN1 belongs to the HIN200 family of interferon-inducible proteins that share a 200-amino acid signature motif attheir C-terminal ends. HIN200 proteins are primarily nuclear and are involved in transcriptional regulation of genesimportant for cell cycle control, differentiation, and apoptosis (Ding et al., 2006 (PubMed 16479015)).(supplied byOMIM)
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4 results for "PYHIN1" in Products

4 results for "PYHIN1" in Products

PYHIN1 Products

PYHIN1 belongs to the HIN200 family of interferon-inducible proteins that share a 200-amino acid signature motif attheir C-terminal ends. HIN200 proteins are primarily nuclear and are involved in transcriptional regulation of genesimportant for cell cycle control, differentiation, and apoptosis (Ding et al., 2006 (PubMed 16479015)).(supplied byOMIM)
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Applications: IHC
Reactivity: Human
Applications: WB
Applications: WB, ELISA, MA, AP
Applications: AC
Results Per Page
5 10 25 50
/ 1