Video: icIEF Analysis of Protein Mixtures with Maurice ProteinSimple’s next generation whole-column detection cIEF instrument, Maurice, is equipped with a...
Video: Win the Race to FDA Submissions with Maurice Maurice gives you reproducible, quantitative analysis of identity, purity, and heterogeneity...
Video: Learn How Milo Validates Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Watch our video to learn how Milo validates single-cell RNA-Seq Data.
Video: Poster Presentation of Validating Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data with Milo Milo is a Single-Cell Western platform that can measure protein expression in thousands of single...
Video: Single-Cell Your Western in our Virtual Lab Step into our virtual lab and experience Milo and its Single-Cell Western technology firsthand...
Video: Your Automated Single Cell Western Blot with Milo Profile heterogeneity in your sample and validate your single cell RNA-seq data with single cell...
Video: Compass Advanced Analysis - Module 4: Setting up and using a standard curve Watch this video for training on advanced settings for compass software - focusing on setting up and...
Video: Compass Advanced Analysis - Module 3: Normalization Watch this video for training on advanced analysis settings for compass software, focusing on...
Video: Compass Advanced Analysis - Module 2: Advanced settings tools and filters Watch this video for training on advanced settings, tools and filters for Compass software.
Video: Compass Advanced Analysis - Module 1: Advanced analysis settings Watch this video for training on advanced analysis settings for compass software.
Video: Compass Basic Analysis Module 4 Watch this video for training on: Managing background Managing signal burnout or saturation Se...