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Annexin A10: Proteins and Enzymes

Annexins are a multigene family of Ca++-regulated phospholipid-binding proteins. They serve as membrane-membrane, or membrane-cytoskeleton linkers, and regulate the formation of lipid domains in the plasma membrane. The name annexin derives from the fact that initial studies suggested that acidic membrane phospholipids and Ca++ annexed, or recruited, special cytosolic proteins into a membrane-interacting ternary complex. Annexins possess a series of unique 70 amino acid annexin-repeat modules that form a curved disk and allow for the creation of an intercessory complex between plasma membrane and cytofilaments.

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1 result for "Annexin A10 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

Annexin A10: Proteins and Enzymes

Annexins are a multigene family of Ca++-regulated phospholipid-binding proteins. They serve as membrane-membrane, or membrane-cytoskeleton linkers, and regulate the formation of lipid domains in the plasma membrane. The name annexin derives from the fact that initial studies suggested that acidic membrane phospholipids and Ca++ annexed, or recruited, special cytosolic proteins into a membrane-interacting ternary complex. Annexins possess a series of unique 70 amino acid annexin-repeat modules that form a curved disk and allow for the creation of an intercessory complex between plasma membrane and cytofilaments.

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