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Collagen VII: ELISA Kits

Type VII collagen fibrils are composed of three identical alpha collagen chains. It's location is restricted to the basement zone beneath stratified squamous epithelia. It functions as an anchoring fibril between the external epithelia and the underlying stroma. Mutations in the collagen V11 gene are associated with all forms of dystrophic epidermo...
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2 results for "Collagen VII ELISA Kits" in Products

2 results for "Collagen VII ELISA Kits" in Products

Collagen VII: ELISA Kits

Type VII collagen fibrils are composed of three identical alpha collagen chains. It's location is restricted to the basement zone beneath stratified squamous epithelia. It functions as an anchoring fibril between the external epithelia and the underlying stroma. Mutations in the collagen V11 gene are associated with all forms of dystrophic epidermo...
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Applications: ELISA
Applications: ELISA
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