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Dermatopontin: Proteins and Enzymes

Dermatopontin, also known as TRAMP, is a widely expressed noncollagenous protein component of the extracellular matrix. It regulates the interaction of TGF-beta and decorin and is involved in collagen matrix organization. Dermatopontin promotes bone mineralization under the control of the vitamin D receptor and inhibits BMP-2 effects on osteoblast precursors.

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2 results for "Dermatopontin Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

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2 results for "Dermatopontin Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

Dermatopontin: Proteins and Enzymes

Dermatopontin, also known as TRAMP, is a widely expressed noncollagenous protein component of the extracellular matrix. It regulates the interaction of TGF-beta and decorin and is involved in collagen matrix organization. Dermatopontin promotes bone mineralization under the control of the vitamin D receptor and inhibits BMP-2 effects on osteoblast precursors.

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