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EDAR: Proteins and Enzymes

Ectodysplasin R (EDAR) is a member of the TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF). The human and mouse EDAR homologs share 91% amino acid sequence identity. Within the TNFRSF, EDAR shares the highest similarities with XEDAR and TROY/TNFRSF19. EDA-A1 is the EDAR ligand.

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3 results for "EDAR Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

3 results for "EDAR Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

EDAR: Proteins and Enzymes

Ectodysplasin R (EDAR) is a member of the TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF). The human and mouse EDAR homologs share 91% amino acid sequence identity. Within the TNFRSF, EDAR shares the highest similarities with XEDAR and TROY/TNFRSF19. EDA-A1 is the EDAR ligand.

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