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HOXC6: Proteins and Enzymes

The Hox proteins play a role in development and cellular differentiation by regulating downstream target genes. Specifically, the Hox proteins direct DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions that assist in determining the morphologic features associated with the anterior-posterior body axis. The mammalian Hox gene complex consists of 39 genes that are located on four linkage groups, which are dispersed over four chromosomes. Hox genes that occupy the same relative position along the 5' to 3' coordinate (trans-paralogous genes) are more similar in sequence and expression pattern than adjacent Hox genes on the same chromosome. HoxC6 sequence-specific transcription factor is part of a developmental regulatory system that provides cells with specific positional identities on the anterior-posterior axis. HoxC6 may be a novel potential therapeutic target for prostate cancer.
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1 result for "HOXC6 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

1 result for "HOXC6 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

HOXC6: Proteins and Enzymes

The Hox proteins play a role in development and cellular differentiation by regulating downstream target genes. Specifically, the Hox proteins direct DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions that assist in determining the morphologic features associated with the anterior-posterior body axis. The mammalian Hox gene complex consists of 39 genes that are located on four linkage groups, which are dispersed over four chromosomes. Hox genes that occupy the same relative position along the 5' to 3' coordinate (trans-paralogous genes) are more similar in sequence and expression pattern than adjacent Hox genes on the same chromosome. HoxC6 sequence-specific transcription factor is part of a developmental regulatory system that provides cells with specific positional identities on the anterior-posterior axis. HoxC6 may be a novel potential therapeutic target for prostate cancer.
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