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Ribonuclease A: ELISA Kits

The Ribonuclease A gene encodes a member of the pancreatic-type of secretory ribonucleases, a subset of the ribonuclease A superfamily. The encoded endonuclease cleaves internal phosphodiester RNA bonds on the 3'-side of pyrimidine bases. It prefers poly(C) as a substr
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1 result for "Ribonuclease A ELISA Kits" in Products

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1 result for "Ribonuclease A ELISA Kits" in Products

Ribonuclease A: ELISA Kits

The Ribonuclease A gene encodes a member of the pancreatic-type of secretory ribonucleases, a subset of the ribonuclease A superfamily. The encoded endonuclease cleaves internal phosphodiester RNA bonds on the 3'-side of pyrimidine bases. It prefers poly(C) as a substr
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Applications: ELISA
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