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SAMD4A: Lysates

Sterile alpha motifs (SAMs) in proteins such as SAMD4A are part of an RNA-binding domain that functions as aposttranscriptional regulator by binding to an RNA sequence motif known as the Smaug recognition element, which wasnamed after the Drosophila Smaug protein (Baez and Boccaccio, 2005 (PubMed 16221671)).(supplied by OMIM)

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1 result for "SAMD4A Lysates" in Products

SAMD4A: Lysates

Sterile alpha motifs (SAMs) in proteins such as SAMD4A are part of an RNA-binding domain that functions as aposttranscriptional regulator by binding to an RNA sequence motif known as the Smaug recognition element, which wasnamed after the Drosophila Smaug protein (Baez and Boccaccio, 2005 (PubMed 16221671)).(supplied by OMIM)
Catalog #: H00023034-T01
Applications: WB
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