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ZFP91: Proteins and Enzymes

The protein encoded by the ZFP91 gene is a member of the zinc finger family of proteins. The gene product contains C2H2 typedomains, which are the classical zinc finger domains found in numerous nucleic acid-binding proteins. A read-throughtranscript variant composed of ZFP91 and CNTF sequence has been identified, but it is thought to be non-coding.Read-through transcription of ZFP91 and CNTF has also been observed in mouse. A pseudogene has also been identified onchromosome 2. (provided by RefSeq)
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1 result for "ZFP91 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

1 result for "ZFP91 Proteins and Enzymes" in Products

ZFP91: Proteins and Enzymes

The protein encoded by the ZFP91 gene is a member of the zinc finger family of proteins. The gene product contains C2H2 typedomains, which are the classical zinc finger domains found in numerous nucleic acid-binding proteins. A read-throughtranscript variant composed of ZFP91 and CNTF sequence has been identified, but it is thought to be non-coding.Read-through transcription of ZFP91 and CNTF has also been observed in mouse. A pseudogene has also been identified onchromosome 2. (provided by RefSeq)
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