How Sensitive is Protein Detection?
Jess offers market-leading protein detection sensitivity for Western blotting workflows with low pg sensitivity. Choose between chemiluminescence detection or fluorescence detection with NIR / IR modules.
Can I Get Faster Results than a Western Blot?
With Jess, it's pipette, run & done! Simply load your sample, antibodies and reagents into the plate, insert your plate and cartridge into Jess and press start. All assay steps from protein separation, immunoprobing, detection and analysis of data are fully automated. With just 30 minutes of experimental setup and 3 hours of hands-free run time, you can be analyzing data for your next publication or grant.
Is Jess a Useful Method for High-Throughput Screening?
Got a lot of samples? Jess can dramatically increase your throughput. She automates the protein separation and immunodetection of traditional Western blotting, giving you fully analyzed results in just 3 hours. Everything happens inside a capillary, and Jess precisely controls the protein separation and reagent additions and incubations, even the detection. Use Jess's fluorescent capabilities and multiplex your proteins for even higher throughput. With her 13 and 25 sample capillary cartridges you'll get the throughput you need, with minimum hands-on time.
Can I Quantify Proteins Like ELISA?
Stop, analyze and wow! With Jess, protein quantitation is a breeze. At the conclusion of your run, use the lane view option to compare band intensity or dive deep for fully quantitative analysis of protein size and concentration. With a few clicks you'll be analyzing immunoassay-like standard curves and precisely quantifying your protein. Multiplexing takes your options to the max, helping you identify and differentiate relative protein expression between samples in one shot. And with in-built protein normalization, you'll have the confidence you need in your results, experiment after experiment.
Can I Perform Multiplex Assays?
Jess lets you Superplex, so you can do everything in one run. Like multiplexed chemiluminescent and fluorescent assays on the same sample at the same time. Or look at multiple targets and parameters simultaneously. Or get info on protein abundance, isoform and size all at once. Or add total protein without giving up a detection channel. Or detect high and low abundance proteins in the same sample, even when they have identical molecular weights. Or do chemiluminescent and fluorescent multiplexing assays in parallel just to be absolutely sure you didn't miss a protein.
How Do I Normalize My Protein Expression Data?
Total protein detection happens in the same capillary on the same sample, but runs on a separate channel from NIR so you get to keep your existing IR, NIR and chemiluminescence channels. Jess' same-time detection also gives you more consistent, reliable results than traditional assays without having to stain and wash a single blot!
Can I Strip and Reprobe like a Traditional Western Blot?
Do traditional assays use too much of your precious samples or require you to pool your samples? Jess gets you down to picogram-level sensitivity with just 3 µL of starting material. Tired of stripping and reprobing? Jess's fluorescent detection lets you maximize the data you get in one shot. Let your sample go further with Jess.
How Do I Image My Western Blot?
Still doing traditional Westerns? Snap! Get the picture with her chemiluminescent blot imaging system.
Multiplexed analysis of total AKT and pAKT with total protein normalization using Jess.
(A) Lysates from Jurkat cells either untreated (-) or treated (+) with calyculin A were analyzed at 0.25 mg/mL and 0.15 mg/mL final concentrations, respectively. Each lysate was probed for total AKT with IR (green bands) and pAKT with NIR (red bands). (B) The Total Protein Assay was performed in the same lanes shown in panel A.