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Amyloid beta Peptide Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

11 results for "Amyloid beta Peptide Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

11 results for "Amyloid beta Peptide Inhibitors Small Molecules and Peptides" in Products

Amyloid beta Peptide Inhibitors: Small Molecules and Peptides

γ-secretase inhibitor; induces neuronal differentiation; blocks Notch signaling

Selective inhibitor of PKCβII

PI 3-K/Akt/mTOR signaling inhibitor; blocks phosphorylation of Akt and p70S6K in vitro

Inhibitor of Aβ42 fibril formation

Potent and selective γ-secretase inhibitor

β-secretase (BACE) inhibitor; inhibits amyloid assembly

Inhibitor of JNK signaling

γ-secretase inhibitor; attenuates amyloid plaque deposition

Potent γ-secretase inhibitor

Highly potent active component of ADNP; prevents amyloid β aggregation; active in vivo

Potent γ-secretase inhibitor

Results Per Page
5 10 25 50
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