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Featured ICC Products

Human iPSCs labeled with antibodies from the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Marker Antibody Panel Plus

Verify Stemness of iPSCs

Analyzing human stem pluripotency using marker antibodies allows the identification and expansion of high quality, undifferentiated stem cell populations. Provides increased confidence in pluripotent status through the use of multiple markers.

Detection of caveolin-1 in human cervical epithelial carcinoma cell line by ICC

Signal Transduction in Focus

Visualize intracellular signaling events with antibodies validated for ICC. Whether its synapse formation and subsequent signalling cascade or the watching the inner workings of the mitochondria, we have a range of antibodies for signal transduction.

Vibrant, fluorescent organoid utilizing tissue clearing to render the organoid transparent

Get Clearer Organoid Images

Visualize intracellular signalling events with antibodies validated for ICC. Whether its synapse formation and subsequent signalling cascade or the watching the inner workings of the mitochondria, we have a range of antibodies for signal transduction.

Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Primary Antibodies

Successful ICC experiments start with specific and validated primary antibodies. Factors like species reactivity, clonality, and host species are critical considerations for antibody selection. To maximize your ICC staining signal, it is important to ensure antibody specificity while minimizing cross-reactivity. Bio-Techne’s extensive data image library showcases the performance of our ICC/IF validated antibodies across different cell types and species.

For ICC tips and guidance see our ICC Protocols.

ICC Primary Antibodies by Species Reactivity

All Primary Antibodies Mouse Primary Antibodies
Human Primary Antibodies  Rat Primary Antibodies


Antibodies for Multicolor ICC

Bio-Techne is here to meet your multicolor ICC needs. We offer an unparalleled catalog of fluorescent conjugated antibodies, including primary antibodies conjugated to photostable dyes such as Alexa Fluor® 647 and Alexa Fluor® 488. 

Find pre-conjugated primary antibodies below: 

Alexa Fluor® 488 Janelia Fluor® 549 DyLightTM 550
Alexa Fluor® 647 Janelia Fluor® 646 Biotin

Secondary Antibodies and Detection Reagents

ICC staining can be visualized using direct staining with a conjugated primary antibody or indirect detection using a secondary conjugated antibody. In indirect IF detection, a fluorochrome-labeled secondary antibody is required to detect the primary antibody-antigen complex. If you are using indirect detection methods, it is important to ensure the primary antibodies have different host species during primary antibody selection. Other considerations for secondary antibody selection include primary antibody subclass (eg, IgG, IgM, IgA) and targeting the Heavy Chain (Hc) only, Light Chain (Lc) only, or both Heavy and Light Chain (H+L).

Indirect detection methods can improve detection of low abundance targets due to multiple secondary antibodies binding to one primary antibody. Learn more about the differences between direct and indirect detection.

ICC Secondary Antibodies by Reactivity

Anti-Goat Anti-Mouse Anti-Rat
Anti-Human Anti-Rabbit Anti-Sheep

Detection Reagents

In addition to antibody staining, fluorescent dyes and probes can be used to further investigate cellular structures and visualize cellular morphology.

Cellular Structure Reagents Use
Nucleus DAPI, DRAQ5TM Live or fixed cells; membrane permeable
Nucleus DRAQ7TM Live or fixed cells; will not stain intact live cells, can be used for viability
Cytoplasm DRAQ9TM Live or fixed cells; membrane permeable
Mitochondria MitoBrilliantTM 646 Live or fixed cells
Mitochondria MitoBrilliantTM Live 646, MitoBrilliantTM Live 549 Live cells; activity dependent on membrane potential (Δψm)


ICC Controls

Proper experimental controls are critical to ensuring accurate interpretation of your ICC data. ICC controls include background staining controls and antibody specificity controls.

Antibody Specificity Controls

Bio-Techne performs rigorous testing on all ICC validated antibodies. Our extensive data image library showcases our dedicate to antibody quality.  Some common methods to verify antibody specificity are outlined below, including knockout (KO) cell line, positive and negative cell lines, protein stimulation, and RNA-protein codetection. Bio-Techne also offers controls such as blocking peptides.

Background Staining Controls

Background staining can be a confounding factor when visualizing ICC images. If using an indirect detection method, it’s important to include a no primary antibody control. This can be accomplished by leaving one sample out of the primary antibody incubation step and then continuing to treat that sample with secondary antibody and any additional detection reagents.

Isotype controls are used as negative controls to help differentiate non-specific background signal from specific antibody signal. Isotype controls are primary antibodies that lack specificity to the target, but match the class and type of the primary antibody used in the application.

Key Resources for ICC


ICC Protocols and Application Support

Learn more about the basics of ICC and the differences between direct and indirect detection in our protocols and methods pages. 


Fluorescent Dyes and Probes Product Guide

Fluorescent Dyes and Probes Brochure

Providing a background to the use of fluorescent dyes, probes and stains and listing our extensive product range, our brochure can help you to select the most appropriate dye or probe to obtain the best results for your experiment.

ICC Handbook Cover

Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Handbook

This Immunocytochemistry (ICC) Handbook offers an introduction to ICC focusing on multicolor ICC/IF, including detailed protocols and troubleshooting tips. It is a great resource for researchers new to ICC/IF as well as experienced users looking to brush up on their skills.

Background Information

DRAQ5™  is a registered trademark of BioStatus Limited.